
Final Blog Post: Week of 8/02-8/06

 Well, I have now completed my last week as an intern. This internship has been a wonderful experience for me professionally, academically, as well as being a blast. Professionally, I learned about the operation of an archive, and museum writing. Academically, I learned about the history of West Orange County, and Florida in general. It was fun simply because I love history and being able to get into the meat and potatoes of it was amazing. I plan to work with history throughout my life, and in many ways this was the first step as it was the first time I have applied historical knowledge outside of the classroom. While I'm sad that this exceptional experience is now ending, I am excited to see what my future in Public History holds. The Winter Garden Heritage Foundation was the perfect place to intern, in my opinion. Everyone involved with the foundation was kind, knowledgeable and passionate about their town. My supervisor, Jim Crescitelli was always there to answer any questions ...

Week of 7/26-7/30 Internship blog

The second to last week of my internship has now ended. It may be one of my most productive ones yet. I believe I have gotten into the groove and am familiar enough with the operations of the archive and the foundation to do my best work. Just like last week, I spent most of my time accessioning new objects and collections into the archive. There is a section on a shelf in the archive where objects yet to be accessioned are stored and I was able to get through all of them this week. I accessioned many slides, photos, old documents (such as an Oakland-Winter Garden high school diploma from 1919), and the objects that are going to be put on display in the coming weeks for the Winter Garden at the Movies exhibit. I find this work to be very fulfilling. It’s not as exciting as research or writing, but not every profession is entirely made up of its best parts. I get to handle, observe, and record details about historical objects, and even if this is not the best part about the position...

Week of 7/19-7/23 Internship blog

This week I spent a majority of my time accessioning new collections into the archive. There were two large donations to the foundation containing objects from two prominent members of the community. The collections mostly consisted of personal correspondence and programs for events. For both collections I separated each document or object into categories, then listed the items in said categories into our archival software. If there was more than one copy of an item, the copy in better condition was accessioned into our collection while the other was set aside to be donated to another archive. One of the documents was a letter from Richard Nixon, with his actual signature, which I found exciting. Once each item was listed on the computer the subsections of the collection were put into folders which were placed in a box along with objects from the collection and placed on a shelf in the archive according to its ID. Also, In Winter Garden there is a children’s scavenger hunt run by th...

Week of 7/12-7/16 Internship blog

Well, it is now over halfway through July, and we are entering the last few weeks of my internship. We have spent this week getting ready to put up the Winter Garden at the Movies exhibit. We have gotten all the items that we might use out of the archive. We still need to decide which movie posters to use, as there are quite a few archived, but most of them are distasteful in one way or another so we have narrowed it down to a couple of different ones. All that is left is to get signs and images printed, and to set it all up. It is a scary thought that the exhibit will soon be displayed to the public, but also exciting. I have put a lot of thought and work into it and so I will be glad to see it finished.  In addition, this Friday my supervisor took me on a tour of the area. Up until that point I had only known important places in West Orange County from what I had read or seen in the archive. It was fun and interesting to see in person all that I had written about. ...

Week of 7/5-7/9 Internship blog

It has been a good week at the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation, and I hope everyone had a great Independence Day. This week the theater exhibit was fact checked by an expert on the local theaters, Irv Lipscomb. Irv corrected some things, such as the number of seats in an old theater, the Gem theater. I went back and fixed all the other errors that he pointed out. In addition to this, I have cleaned up the captions for the Winter Garden at Work exhibit and have continued my search for information about how railroad laborers were treated around the time that Florida railroads were starting to boom. This has been really difficult; I believe partly because those that wrote the histories just do not care about these people’s experiences and partly because they would be ashamed of how poorly workers were treated then. Based on the few writings I have found regarding this, the conditions of the workers seem to have been unimaginably horrific by today’s standards.  While I ...

Week of 6/28-7/2 Internship blog

I am happy to report that my work at the Foundation has been ahead of schedule. Last week I described how I have finished the writing. My supervisor has proofread and edited my captions, and the intro I have written. I am not particularly egotistical about my writing and so I was not worried about editing and found that it flowed better after the edits. Now the primary focus will be designing the exhibits, getting things such as posters made, and getting permission to use some of the photos. The movie exhibit will be put on display first and so that is where the primary focus is. That exhibit will stay up for some months before Winter Garden at Work is displayed, so my internship will have ended by that point. My supervisor and I have been brainstorming about design choices for the theater exhibit and hope to have a detailed plan soon. Because I am ahead in my work, I have been able to do other things to help the Foundation, such as scan donated documents or do some small...

Week of 6/21-6/25 Internship blog

This week I have submitted the rough draft for the captions of my second exhibit, and so have completed the bulk of writing.  I am now looking forward to curating and designing the exhibits. I thought of some great ideas about how to do this and drew up some sketches of the movie theater exhibit. There are some great objects as well, such as old film reels, a speaker that was used in the local drive-in theater, movie posters and more. To go along with some of the objects I wrote a small one sentence explanation. I'm not sure how I will use them, but they may be necessary to provide context. Even a young adult such as myself may, for instance, have limited knowledge of drive ins, and so not know what the speaker was used for. Still to be done for both exhibits is to finalize the design and curation, get promotional art created, write introductions, etc. By the end of next week, at the very least I plan to have rough plans for the layout of the exhibits. This week was midterm week. F...