Week of 7/19-7/23 Internship blog
This week I spent a majority of my time accessioning new collections into the archive. There were two large donations to the foundation containing objects from two prominent members of the community. The collections mostly consisted of personal correspondence and programs for events. For both collections I separated each document or object into categories, then listed the items in said categories into our archival software. If there was more than one copy of an item, the copy in better condition was accessioned into our collection while the other was set aside to be donated to another archive. One of the documents was a letter from Richard Nixon, with his actual signature, which I found exciting. Once each item was listed on the computer the subsections of the collection were put into folders which were placed in a box along with objects from the collection and placed on a shelf in the archive according to its ID.
Also, In Winter Garden there is a children’s scavenger hunt run by the foundation that takes families around Winter Garden to historic sites. There has been trouble with vandalism at the scavenger hunt locations so my supervisor and I have been brain-storming solutions, and we think that replacing the physical clues and objects with QR codes could be a good solution.
The images for the theater exhibit have been sent off to get printed. Among them are newspaper advertisements for the Winter Garden Theatre and “Upstairs” Theatre(Also known as the Star Theatre or Lyric Theatre) that date from the 1920s. We have also included the best images we have of each theater, of course this is more difficult for the older ones, but I believe that we have chosen the best. The plan currently is to begin setting up the exhibit in August.
Next week, hopefully the finished prints will come in so we can plan out the exhibit with the exact measurements and have a final plan.
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