Week of 6/28-7/2 Internship blog
I am happy to report that my work at the Foundation has been ahead of schedule. Last week I described how I have finished the writing. My supervisor has proofread and edited my captions, and the intro I have written. I am not particularly egotistical about my writing and so I was not worried about editing and found that it flowed better after the edits. Now the primary focus will be designing the exhibits, getting things such as posters made, and getting permission to use some of the photos. The movie exhibit will be put on display first and so that is where the primary focus is. That exhibit will stay up for some months before Winter Garden at Work is displayed, so my internship will have ended by that point. My supervisor and I have been brainstorming about design choices for the theater exhibit and hope to have a detailed plan soon. Because I am ahead in my work, I have been able to do other things to help the Foundation, such as scan donated documents or do some smaller tasks relating to my exhibits such as find new pictures or proofread. Also, while my supervisor was away I was able to help a visitor with a question regarding local history, which was fun and rewarding.
week, I will of course, continue to curate, design, and otherwise
assist the foundation. The idea of having the exhibit in the museum is
daunting, but I am looking forward to it and I imagine I will be quite
proud by the end. Happy Independence Day!
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