Week of 6/21-6/25 Internship blog

This week I have submitted the rough draft for the captions of my second exhibit, and so have completed the bulk of writing. I am now looking forward to curating and designing the exhibits. I thought of some great ideas about how to do this and drew up some sketches of the movie theater exhibit. There are some great objects as well, such as old film reels, a speaker that was used in the local drive-in theater, movie posters and more. To go along with some of the objects I wrote a small one sentence explanation. I'm not sure how I will use them, but they may be necessary to provide context. Even a young adult such as myself may, for instance, have limited knowledge of drive ins, and so not know what the speaker was used for. Still to be done for both exhibits is to finalize the design and curation, get promotional art created, write introductions, etc. By the end of next week, at the very least I plan to have rough plans for the layout of the exhibits. This week was midterm week. F...